dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016

Water cycle

A continuación podéis visualizar el trabajo fruto del curso Uso de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el aprendizaje integrado de contenidos en lenguas extranjeras (AICLE). ¡Espero que sea de vuestro interés!

dimarts, 1 de novembre del 2016

Task 7 and 8 Water Cycle

Draw the water cycle:
Before the activity the teacher will project the following video:

Before the activity the teacher will remind the following ideas:

The states of water are: solid (ice, snow or hail), liquid (rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, clouds) and gaseous (water vapour).

What are the three states of water?
The _______________ states of ________________ are: _______________, _________________ and ________________.

Where can you find water in a solid state?
You can find water in a solid state in _______________, ________________, _________________ .

Where can you find water in a liquid state?
You can find water in a liquid state in _______________, _________________, _________________.

Where can you find water in a gaseous state?
You can find water in a gaseous state in ________________.

Task 5 and 6 Water Cycle

Read the text and complete the chart below
Before the activity the teacher will remind the following ideas:

States of water
Water can exist in three different states: solid, liquid or gaseous.
Most of the water on Earth is in a liquid state. Water also exists in other states.
- Ice, snow and hail are water in a solid state.
- The water we drink is liquid water. The water in rivers, seas, oceans or lakes is liquid water too. Clouds are made up of tiny drops of water.
- Water vapour is water in a gaseous state. It forms when liquid water evaporates or boils.

Ice: frozen water
Hail: frozen rain
Snow: water in a solid state
Tiny: small

To boil: heating water up to 100 ºC

Listen to the water cycle song.

Water Cycle Song Lyrics: 

The Water Cycle

Takes the water and moves it

Up and Down and all around the Earth

Evaporation comes

When the heat from the Sun

Warms up all the groundwater

Then it turns to water vapor

Condensation takes over

It goes up to the clouds

Water vapor cools down

And it changes to a liquid, now

Precipitation happens

When the drops get big

It falls like Rain, Snow, Sleet, and Hail upon my head

I know it's the water cycle happening again

Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation

Task 3 and 4 Water Cycle

Task 1 and 2 Water Cycle

Let’s make a poster: rules to save water Your poster must include:
1. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.
2. Use less water: take a short shower instead of a bath.
3. Reduce the quantity of water in the toilet tank.
4. Wait until the dishwasher is full before turning it on.
5. Only water the roots of the plant.
6. Wait until the washing machine is full before turning it on.
Debate in class about habits related to the use of water.
Water is necessary for life. Clean, safe drinking water is scarce. Today, nearly 1 billion people in the developing world don't have access to it. Think about how much water we use in: having a bath, washing up by hand, washing our hands, toilet, having a shower, car wash with a bucket, …
Think about:
We use water:
1. For personal hygiene.
2. For washing and cleaning.
3. For watering fields of crops.
4. For watering plants.
5. For cooking.
6. For animals.
7. For doing water sports.
8. For making electricity.
9. For drinking.

    Where does our drinking water come from? Do you think your friends and family know the source of their drinking water? Would it make a difference if they knew?

    Why is water considered our most precious resource? Do you agree? Do you feel we act accordingly? Why or why not?

    Is water wasted in our community? In what ways? Can we reduce water waste?

    How can we conserve water where we live? How can you as an individual conserve water?

You can use the following sentence frames:

1.     I like ____’s idea because _____.
2.     I prefer _____’s idea because _________.
3.     I agree that ____ because _______.
4.     I agree with you up to a point, but I think that ______.
5.     I am willing to change my answer because ______.